Other sites with pictures of bryophytes
Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands All mosses of Germany
Biopix - Photographs of bryophytes commercial site with advertisements
BLWG Verspreidingsatlas Mossen online Bryophytes of Netherlands
Bryo.cz Bryophytes from Czech Republic
Bryophytes: Images site of Southern Illinois University, many pictures from Li Zhang
Korseby Online - Bryophyta von Kristian Peters
Leber- und Laubmoose aus Niedersachsen
Moss photos - Andrew Spink with advertisements
Moss Photos; Ohio Moss and Lichen Association
Mosses & Liverworts - NatureSpot
Pflanzenliebe Picture Gallery of Mosses
Plants database - Image Gallery United State Department of Agriculture, old bryophyte pictures from me, but without the possibillity for corrections
World of Mosses Watercolour paintings by Robert Muma