Pictures of Bryophytes - India 2010 - Michael Lüth
Some times ago, I was kindly invited from Prof. Dinesh Saxena to come to North India, Uthtarakhand, to make photographs of Indian bryophytes. In December2010 I could realize this plan. The first part of the excursion I travelled with Dheeraj Gahtori, a student of Mr. Saxena, on a motorbike. We visit the Himalaya, Garwal Himal, near Dehra Dun. The second part was also with Dheeraj and with Dinesh Saxena. We travelled together with a car to the Kumaon Himalaya region, in the the north of Bareilly.
On the next pages, I show the pictures with the preliminary determinations of the species. Each picture has an associated specimen and many of them was sent to specialists for identification. I thank J.-P. Frahm (Campylopus), D. Holyoak (Bryaceae), M. Ignatov (Brachytheciaceae), D. Long (Liverworts), A. Schäfer-Verwimp (some tropical species) and P. Sollmann (Pottiaceae) for their help.
In the following exel file you will find the herbarium labels with locality,
site, and who has identified. Just follow the number in front of the pictures
file names:
Bryophytes of India 2010.xls
Many species are not identified yet. So, if you have an idea about the plants or who maybe can help in determine a group of the speciemens, please write me an email to mail(a)
The pictures are split up in 4 parts:
Part 1: Bareilly and Dehra Dun
Part 2: Himalaya, Garwal Himal around Mussoori
Part 3: Himalaya, Garwal Himal, from Mussoori to Dhanolti and back
Part 4: Himalaya, Kumaon, Nainital and Mukteshwar
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