The group
our futuristic hotel
14. September:
briefing to our excursion to Skocjan Caves Park
the humid forest
male and female Porella platyphylla
the way down to the doline
the doline
15. September, Vrata Valley:
briefing to the excursion
finding Buxbaumia viridis
gathering around Buxbaumia
Buxbaumia viridis
Radula lindbergiana, male
Ctenidium molluscum
Salamandra atra
we reaching the subalpine zone
Paraleucobryum sauteri
Schistidium trichodon
Hypnum sauteri
Hydrogonium amplexifolius (a great find of Stefan)
the young bryologists were also very happy about all the nice finds
Pericnik waterfall:
Moerckia hibernica
Bryum (Ptychostomum) arcticum
16. September: Vric Pass
the group was in a very good mood, when we start to the Slemenova with perfect mountain weather (Kaiserwetter)
through the mountain pine belt
to the pass just above the tree line
Tayloria serrata as usual behind some shrubs beside the foothpath
Sauteria alpina in deep rock crevices and holes
Heterocladium dimorphum on humus of the mountain pines
a vistfull look and a farewell to the fantastic Slovenia